About Atira

Atira is an internationally renowned clairvoyant who has also been termed a mystic because of her outstanding abilities.  She is a field-tested reader through the Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 

Her mediumistic/psychic abilities were always present as a child, but were unstructured because she had no formal knowledge or guidance.  When she met her master guide, Dom Solis, at age 5 her abilities continued to increase and develop until she was 13.  She shut down her gift around that time in order to fit in with other people and be more “normal”.

At the age of twenty-five, Atira’s father passed away.  After that sad event, her gift was reawakened and she began studying metaphysics.  Because of all the supernatural events in her childhood, she started training in psychic development. What she learned was that her ability was much the same as that of Edgar Cayce and Arthur Ford.  

Through “Metaphysical Straight Talk from the Heart”, Atira communicates with her clients’  angels, guides, masters, loved ones, and higher selves.  “I do not claim to be anyone special.  I am simply a ‘sensitive’ with a desire to help people of all walks of life achieve their higher goals and realize this is a natural state of being.  AND… That everyone can talk to his or her angels.  In fact, if I have done my work well, my clients will be talking to their own angels, guides and masters”, Atira says.

She has done readings for thousands of people and has taught many diverse classes and programs.  For example, she has been a guest speaker and workshop leader on two metaphysically themed cruises and was a talk show host on a metaphysical internet radio show for two years.

A San Diego advertising agency president, Patrick Murphy, refers to himself as a born skeptic.  Regarding Atira, he commented, “She is just amazing!  I have watched this unassuming woman walk up to complete strangers and in moments start revealing things in great detail that only the person she is talking to could have known!  The accuracy of her messages and information is outstanding!  There is NO question in my mind that this woman is connected to the gentle delivery system of the angels. She is truly inspiring.”